Welcome to Reception’s Class Page

2023 - 2024


Welcome to Reception’s class page.

In Reception class, we have 23 wonderful children. Our teachers are Mrs Dalton (Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Georghiou (Thursday and Friday). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hart and Miss Walker (Friday).

Curriculum Evening Presentation

On this web page you will see highlights of some of the exciting things we will be doing throughout the year. You will also find some useful links to key documents to support your child’s learning at home.


In RE, we listen to stories about Jesus and learn about who he was and the love he shows for everybody. We use drama, songs and circle time activities to understand Jesus’ message of love. We know that by being kind to each other, we are showing Jesus’ love.



We listen to lots of stories during the school day and love joining in by making predictions and talking about what we have read. We use the new vocabulary we have learned in our every day conversations and play.

Word Reading

We follow the ‘Essential Letter and Sounds’ phonics scheme. We have phonics lessons every day and practice our sounds at home too.

We have lots of opportunities for word reading in and around the classroom. We love doing our reading challenges each week.


We use our phonics to develop our writing. We use rhymes to help us how to form our letters and have lots of opportunities for writing through out the day.

We don’t just write on paper though! We use chalks to write on the floor, we write in sand and glitter and we enjoy writing vertically especially at the white board.



We use a wide range of physical resources to develop a deep understanding of number. We love joining in with counting songs too. Our favourite is 5 little ducks.

Numerical Patterns

We are starting to notice patterns between numbers and are able to compare groups of objects and comment on what we see.

Expressive Arts and Design

Creating with materials

We love creating models in our workshop area and using lots of different materials to make some interesting creations.

We enjoy different ways of creating art work including different techniques of painting, chalks, stamping and sticking.

On Bonfire night, we made some beautiful fireworks pictures using lots of different techniques including marble painting and blow painting.

Being imaginative and expressive

Our role play corner allows us to use our imaginations in our play. We love playing in the home corner and creating characters.

We enjoy music with Mrs James on a Tuesday. We love to sing, perform rhymes and dance.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Self Regulation, managing self and building relationships

Communication and Language

Listening, attention and understanding

We have lots of opportunity to practice and develop these skills. We are learning how to communicate with our peers which is especially challenging when things aren’t going our way.

We ask and answer questions about things we have learnt in class and can comment on books we have read and things we have seen.


We are developing our vocabulary and using the new words we have learnt in our every day interactions.

We can express our thoughts, ideas and feelings and explain why something has happened.

Understanding the World

Through our topic work, we develop our understanding of the world and the people within it.

Past and Present

In Autumn term, our topic was ‘All about me’. We thought about how we have changed since we were a baby to now and all the new skills we have learnt through the years.

People, culture and communities

We have learned about different celebrations from across the world. We learned about Diwali and made beautiful lanterns to celebrate.

Here we are learning about Chinese New Year. We did lots of different activities and even tried some Chinese food. We loved the prawn crackers but we weren’t too keen on the chilli sauce!

the natural world

We have learned lots about the season of Autumn and how the natural world changes. We went on a nature walk to find Autumn treasures like conkers and crunchy leaves.

Our topic is Wonderful Winter. We are learning about Antarctica and how the penguins survive there.

Physical development

Gross Motor skills

We develop our gross motor skills in our outside area and during PE lessons. We learn how to move our bodies, balance, develop our hand- eye coordination and learn to keep ourselves safe.

Fine Motor Skills

We develop our fine motor skills through the use of small tools, play dough, cutting and different activities such as threading. The development of our fine motor skills is crucial to support our ability to use a pencil effectively and write.

Oliver’s Fruit Salad

This week we have been reading the story Oliver’s Fruit Salad. We enjoyed writing our own shopping lists so we could a make our own fruit salad. We then went to the shops to choose the different fruits. We were very lucky to be given a free piece of fruit each whilst we were there.

Autumn Walk

This term we have been learning about Autumn. On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a walk to the local park where we found lots of autumn treasures.

Brilliant Bikes

We love playing on the bikes. We have to think about how to keep our bodies safe, making sure we are aware of what is around us so we don’t crash in to any one else and focus on our balancing. One of the most important skills we learn is about sharing and taking turns. It can be hard to share when we are having so much fun but we know it is important to share so every one can have a turn.

Fun with our Buddies

We love spending time with our Year 6 buddies. Our buddies are our special friends who make sure we are happy and settled at St Joseph’s. We love showing them our favourite toys and games and they love coming to play with us. We’re not sure who has more fun!

Amazing Artists

The children have access to our wonderful workshop and painting area at all times. They love exploring the different materials and designing some incredible creations.