Welcome to the Year 4 page!



In Year 4, we have 30 brilliant children who are all kind, caring and loving. We love to learn and find out new things. We have lots of different and unique talents that make us an extremely interesting bunch of people. 

Our teacher is Mrs Tremlett and Miss Pope, and our teaching assistant is Mr Voller.

Curriculum Evening Presentation



We had great fun at our Christmas Party - playing games and eating food with our friends.


We started this half term by reading extracts from Roman Diary - the Journal of Iliona. We used this book to inspire us to write character descriptions and our own diary imaging that we were living in Roman times and had been to the Colosseum to see the gladiators fight.

Just before Christmas, we also read a poem called Roman Soldier and then wrote our own versions.


In Maths, we worked on embedding the formal column method for 4-digit addition. We also used the place value columns and counters to visually represent subtraction from 4-digit numbers, including an exchange.
We then looked at area and the different ways that we can work out areas of shapes. Our final topic before Christmas was Multiplication and Division focusing on our times table knowledge.


Our topic this half-term was ‘Trust in God’. We began reflecting on the meaning of trust, and then wrote our own prayers about trusting in God.

The children reflected on the lives of key Biblical figures including Zechariah, Mary and Joseph, and how they could follow the example of their faith in God.


We have been investigating all about Sound this half term. We have learnt about how different instruments make sounds.  We explored how to make different sounds with certain instruments, for example for a drum you need to bang and a guitar you need to pluck the strings. We now know that sound is made by vibrations. We investigated this by putting some rice on a drum to see what would happen when the drum was hit. We also used a pitch fork. We struck it on the table and placed in a container of water. The vibrations made the water splash.


Year 4 had great fun going to Otley Courthouse to watch a show called ‘Fartology’ by Stefan Gates. They learnt all about the human digestive system.


This half term, our focus was on the Roman Invasion of Britain. We started by learning about what Celt life was like before the invasion. We then found out how the Romans were successfully able to invade Britain and we learnt about Boudica’s Revolt analysing sources to see if they were written from a Roman or Celt point of view.


As well as doing fitness training in PE this half term, we also had the opportunity to practise our skipping skills and had an expert from the Skipping School come to teach us some new tricks ready for the Festival in the spring term.


Our DT project this half term was to make Christmas stocking decorations to hang on our school Christmas tree using our sewing skills.

Autumn 1


Our class text this half-term was ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children enjoyed the way the plot of the novel uncovered several mysteries, and this inspired them to write in a range of genres including character descriptions, a news report, a letter and their own mystery narrative.

At the end of the first half term, we looked at fact files for different countries linking it to our work in Geography about Europe.


In Maths this half-term the children began with Number, including: reading and writing numbers to 10,000; comparing and ordering numbers to 10,000; rounding numbers; and Roman numerals to 1,000.

In their topic on addition and subtraction, the children consolidated their knowledge of the formal column method, including numbers with 3 or more digits.


Our topic this half-term was ‘The Bible’. The children discussed the Bible and reflected on the way it tells the story of God’s relationship with his people. They reflected on the lives of key Biblical figures including Abraham, Moses, Joseph and Jonah. They learned about the structure of the Bible, including the Old and New Testament, and practised finding different Bible references.


Our topic this half-term was States of Matter. The children started by sorting and describing solids, liquids and gases and their properties. We looked at how materials changed state, and described the different processes, including evaporation and condensation. The children performed several experiments to test materials, and to understand the concept of freezing and melting points.


Our topic this half-term was Europe. The children used maps to locate different countries in Europe and find the capital cities. They also looked at famous human and physical landmarks around Europe.


This half term, Year 4 were really lucky and had the opportunity to do PE with a specialist Secondary School Teacher from Prince Henry’s Grammar School with a focus on netball. The children had the opportunity to develop their passing, receiving, defending and shooting skills. At the end of the half term, they took part in a competition with other schools which our school won!


As part of Black History Month, Year 4 learnt about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The children had a go at writing their own slave songs and creating their own Underground Railroad quilts.

Useful links


Year 4 LTP

Curriculum Evening 2021-22