Welcome to Reception's Class Page

In Reception we follow the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, learning through purposeful play. We have lots of lovely resources in our classroom and outdoor area so we are always busy playing and learning together.

In Reception our teachers are Miss Kendall and Mrs Hart.

Please click on the link below to see the Parent's Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Parents' Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage


Summer 2

For the Queen's 90th Birthday Reception class sent her some birthday cards. Today the post man brought a letter from the Queen. We were all really excited. 


The RNLI came to visit today and talked to us about water safety. Dudley brought lots of equipment used by the RNLI for us to see and try. 



We all enjoyed Sports day on Wednesday 22nd June. 




Pentecost Day

We had a lovely day to celebrate Pentecost in Reception.



The Chicks are here!!!

What an exciting week we have had in Reception! We now have 12 very healthy, fluffy and cute little chicks! The children have thoroughly enjoyed holding the chicks and have done some super independent writing about them. We are also very lucky to now have four butterflies in our butterfly garden.




Summer 1

Reception class have been busy gardening this week. We have created a Garden Centre outside and the children have planted some broad bean seeds. In Literacy the children wrote instructions describing how to grow a seed. 


Animals Topic Week- We had a very exciting start to our topic week with a visit from Sam's Safari. They brought along some very exciting animals including a giant African millipede, a blue tongued skink, an Indonesian stick insect, a whites tree frog and an Egyptian pygmy hedgehog. We were able to hold and stroke them!


Our topic this term is 'Living things'. We will be learning all about plants and animals and develop our understanding of life cycles. Watch this space for lots more exciting news and photos about what we have been learning.

Spring 2

This term we have enjoyed learning about Superheroes. We created our own superheroes and thought carefully about what their special powers would be.  We read the story ' Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero' and wrote a character description of Elliot. Then we thought about real life superheroes such as Police Officers and Fire Fighters.

Reception Assembly - 29th January 2016

Today Reception class did their first assembly. In RE our topic is getting to know Jesus and we have been thinking how we are all special to Jesus. We all did a fantastic job of learning our lines.

January 2016 Topic Week

We jetted off in Reception this week for a busy week in France and Belgium. We tasted lots of French food; brioche, croissants, cheese before making some chocolate crepes. We all agreed they were delicious. 

Otley Christmas Tree Festival  - 11th December 2015

On Friday Reception went with Year 2 to see the Christmas Tree Festival in Otley All Saints Church. We all really enjoyed seeing the trees beautifully decorated. We even had the opportunity to practise our Nativity songs on the stage.

Christmas Tree Decorations - 4th December 2015

On Friday Reception went with their Year 6 buddies to put their tree decoration on the Christmas Tree. The children had made and decorated their tree and star decorations earlier in the week.

The tree looks fantastic with all the decorations on it now.

Diwali- 11th November 2015

This week we enjoyed celebrating Diwali by doing some Indian dancing and dressing up...

Topic Week - Celebrations

We have enjoyed preparing for Dudley's birthday party this week. We have written shopping lists and invitations and made party hats. 

We have also painted Bonfire pictures which can be seen on the Hall display.

Also this week we have learnt about Diwali.

October 2015

We all enjoyed our Autumn walk this morning. We collected lots of conkers, sticks and leaves to bring back to school.