Family Fun Day - Sunday 11th July 2016

The Friends of St Joseph's and the Angels for Children got together and organised a Fun Day at school to raise funds for both charities. We had 'Guess the Staff Member', 'Bottle & Jam Jar Tombolas' for adults and children, 'Face Painting', 'Mocktails', a 'Bun Stall' and a 'Bar and BBQ'.  The weather was good to us and we raised over £800 to share between the charities.  The Friends are currently raising funds for our Outdoor Play Equipment.


Mocktails for sale! 

Mocktails for sale!


Jam Jar tombola

Jam Jar tombola

Bottle Tombola

Bottle Tombola

The Cake Stall

The Cake Stall

Guess the Member of Staff

Guess the Member of Staff