Topic Weeks

The pupils at St Joseph's choose topic weeks at the end of the summer term for the next academic year via our School Council.

This year, after much deliberation, we have decided to change how we organise our topic weeks! There will be 3 themed topic weeks and we will also spend time exploring Christmas, Easter and Sports.  These will take place during the last week of term (or the last week of half term). 

There is a showcase event at the end of the topic week with parents and children welcome to go around the classrooms to see the children's work.

Topic Weeks 2018– 19

Our new topics for this year are:

St Joseph’s Academy of Magicians



Topic Weeks 2017– 18

Our new topics for this year are:

Today's Heroes

Space, the Final Frontier

Otley: Who, what and why?


Topic Weeks 2016–17

Our topics for this year are:

Marvellous Mechanisms - We had a fantastic topic week looking at mechanisms. We designed, created and evaluated a range of products. We made vehicles, trebuchets, bridges and the human body! It has been a wonderful way to combine maths, English, art, design and science into interesting, creative work.

Wonderful Water - This week we have explored concepts such as Water Safety, life under the sea, the Water Cycle and created artwork inspired by Monet. This was a great opportunity to develop our knowledge of capacity and measuring fluids, to learn some important scientific vocabulary and to create some wonderful shape poetry.  

Roald Dahl - We have had a wonderful week exploring the world of Roald Dahl. He has influenced our curriculum this week...we have been creating graphs, poetry, adverts and character descriptions amongst other activities. Each class had a wonderful time retelling Roald Dahl stories through dance. Every class created a dance sequence using mime and action and performed to their peers. We also created scenery and props in preparation for Otley Carnival.


Fantastic Films


Topic Weeks Archive