Year 1 Class 18/19

Year 1 Enjoying the sunshine!PARENT INFORMATIONAll paper reading books are changed on their given day. Your child will be allocated 3 books to read over the week. Please make sure your child's reading books are in school with them every day.Alternat…

Year 1 Enjoying the sunshine!


All paper reading books are changed on their given day. Your child will be allocated 3 books to read over the week. Please make sure your child's reading books are in school with them every day.

Alternate English and Maths homework will be sent out most Friday’s and collected in the following Thursday.

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and tested in class the following Friday.

PE days are a Monday and a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.

Thank you, Miss Chappel

Autumn 2

21st december

Monday and Tuesday this week were super special as we had our dress rehearsal and performance for our KS1 nativity 'The Magical Christmas Journey'. Year One (and Reception and Year Two!) blew everyone away with how well they learnt their lines, how they remembered when to come off and on stage and how beautifully they sang. Miss Chappel and Mrs Deyes were so proud of them and thought they looked absolutely amazing in their costumes. In class this week we finished writing our own 'Lost and Found' stories - there are definitely some budding authors in the class. In Maths we learnt how we can write 8 different number sentences from just one picture. Thursday was another exciting day as we had our Christmas party! We made some lovely party hats in the morning ready to show off in the hall with the rest of the school. And last but not least - Friday. Friday morning was filled with Christmas activities before heading over to church for our end of term mass in the afternoon. Year One behaved beautifully as always (and a big well done to Daniel and Olive who were chosen to take part in the mass).

14th december

This week in RE year 1 discussed how we prepare for advent. We thought about different things we do and see at school, home and around town at Christmas time. In English we planned writing our own version of ‘Lost and Found’. We thought about different animals and where they come from to include in our story. In Maths we were subtracting by breaking apart. We learnt all the correct terminology for subtraction and thought about the different orders we can write subtraction number sentences. We then learnt how to write fact families, writing addition and subtraction number sentences. On Wednesday we had a fantastic afternoon at the Christmas tree festival. Year 1 and Year 5 sang beautifully to the audience at the festival before looking around at all the wonderful Christmas trees. In Collective worship this week we have been thinking about the families we are making our reverse advent calendar for. We prayed for those children who are less fortunate than us and thought about what we're thankful for this Christmas.

7th december 2018

This week in RE Year One have been discussing the Christmas Story. We ordered and wrote the story in groups before performing it to the rest of the class. In Collective worship this week we have been thinking about the families we are making our reverse advent calendar for. We prayed for those children who are less fortunate than us and thought about what we're thankful for this Christmas.  In maths we were looking at subtraction; we first looked at it in the form of stories before learning the symbol and putting it into number sentences, using pictures to support us. This week we had a very exciting visitor in Year One, the Naughty Elf who has been causing mischief! In English we wrote stories on what the Naughty Elf has been up to at St Joseph’s before he escaped and caused mayhem somewhere else! In PE we continued learning about dance. We turned into funny aliens and performed our best alien movements and shapes in pairs. We then ‘mirrored’ our partners alien shapes, it was a lot of fun!

30th november 2018

This week year 1 have been well on the way with our Nativity practise. We have been performing and singing brilliantly so far and can’t wait for our grown ups to see it. In Maths we were learning about adding by counting on. We learnt different methods to support us. In English we have been writing instructions for how to help someone who is lost. We learnt how to organise instructions using time adverbials to sequence them.  On Thursday we had a fantastic afternoon out watching ‘The Snow Queen’ at The Courthouse. We loved the music and thought the actors were brilliant. We Got in to the Christmas spirit on Friday with our Christmas craft day. We had a very glittery day!

23rd november 2018

This week year 1 have been super busy! In RE we heard the story of 'The Visitation' of Mary to Elizabeth. We acted out in groups the conversations we thought Mary and Elizabeth might have. We discussed how each of them may be feeling and what they did to support each other. In English we looked at different word types and found them in our book 'Lost and Found'. We looked at how adverbs helped us sequence the story, and how verbs told us what the boy did to help the penguin. In Maths we practised our number bonds to 10 before comparing number bonds with comparison symbols. We then worked on adding 2 numbers together looking at different ways we can represent it.  On Wednesday we behaved beautifully in Year Two's mass. Miss Chappel was very proud of how sensible we were. In topic this week we learnt about the United Kingdom and where it is in the world. We used a map to help us locate the 4 countries that make up the UK and located London and Leeds on our map. We had an exciting afternoon on Tuesday where someone came to teach us cricket skills! 

16th november 2018

In Year One this week we have been learning all about Anti-bullying. We wrote recipes for what makes a good friend in English. We also had a class discussion about bullying before writing some prayers asking God to help us stop bullies and help us to be kind to each other. We learnt a song about friendship called 'Count on me'. In Maths we learnt about different number bonds within 10. We worked them out using part whole models before working them out systematically using counters. We looked at the patterns each of the number bonds made when we put them in order. In English we read more of our 'Lost and Found' book. We created our own 'Found' tags for different animals, writing expanded noun phrases to describe them. We then wrote our own version of the story using a wordless video to help us.  We started learning our nativity songs in Music - we love dancing and singing to the catchy songs. Finally, on Friday we performed our 'anti bullying' assembly to the school and our grown ups. We were all so brilliant reading our lines and singing our song. 

9th november 2018

This week in English year 1 have started looking at our new book ‘lost and found’ by Oliver Jeffers. We wrote questions to find out more information about the penguin then wrote a character description about him, making sure we included lots of adjectives! In RE we started our new topic: ‘Mary Mother of God’. We heard and discussed the story of The Annunciation before thinking about how we think Mary felt through a drama activity.In Maths we practised writing addition number sentences, using number bonds to find out addition sentence fact families. In science we learnt all about autumn before going on an autumn hunt in our playground! We found lots of different coloured leaves and talked about why they are different. Year One then had an exciting morning on Thursday. We went over to the court house to watch a show at the science festival. We saw lots of ‘surprising science’ and learnt all about the science of magic.

The whole school also painted poppies to go outside and show how we remember those that fell during the wars.

Autumn 1

25th october 2018

What a magical week we've had in year 1! On Monday, 'Dazzling Darren' came to do a magic show for us - it was fantastic! He then came into our class and taught us 2 magic tricks for us to practice, we made balls go through cups and we made a rubber band jump magically to our fingers.  We wrote job applications to become a magician and created our own magician name and magic wand. On Tuesday we then looked at the book 'The Magic Bed', we definitely want our own beds to be magic after reading it! We decided where we'd like to go on our own magic bed, using descriptive language to describe where we went, what we saw and who we met. We had some weird and wonderful ideas! On Wednesday we had a visit from Mr Wilce. He taught us about the magic powers of words and thoughts and gave us each a gratitude rock  to help us with our magically positive thoughts.  We then looked at different optical illusions and created our own! We also did some magical science experiments - we had lots of messy fun! On Thursday we focused on magic maths. We created potions whilst learning about capacity. 

19th october 2018

In RE this week we continued to look at the Noah’s Ark story. We retold the story in pictures before writing it ourselves. We have also been practicing how to pray the rosary in Collective Worship. We loved our grown ups joining our collective worship on Thursday to pray a decade of the rosary with us. This week in Maths year I have been learning all about the number line. We looked at counting forwards and backwards and making jumps up and down the number line before looking at missing numbers. We then moved on to looking at the Part whole model, learning how we can use it to help us with addition and subtraction. In English we had an exciting Letter from Trevor the Sausage dog so we wrote one back telling him all about St Joseph’s and how we’re looking after Pig the Pug. We then read a new book called ‘how to be a dog’ we laughed a lot at how the dog behaved. On Monday in science we had an exciting visit from Mr Bunion, a local vet! He told us all about how he looks after different animals and brought lots of exciting things to show us. We looked at different animal bones (plastic!)and X-rays; we listened to our heartbeats using a stethoscope; we also practiced putting bandages on. We then thought about how we can look after our own pets and chose a dog to make a leaflet so others know how they can care for them too. 

12th october 2018

This week year 1 have had a fabulous week! In Maths we have been learning all about ordering. We have ordered objects and numbers from smallest to largest. In English we have continued to write our Pig the Pug stories.  In RE we heard the story of Noah's Ark. We created our own story props to help us to retell the story. In Collective Worship we learnt how to pray the rosary, learning the Hail Mary prayer and the Glory Be prayer.  In Science we learnt the different names of animal offspring. We discussed which animals grow in an egg or which animals grow inside their mothers.  We also had a fabulous topic lesson this week learning all about China! We made Chinese lanterns, wrote Mandarin numbers, created The Great Wall of China with Lego and made and tried some different Chinese cuisine. We loved it!

5th october 2018

This week year 1 have had a fabulous week!

In RE we discussed how we look after God's world. We thought about little things we could do to help then created posters to remind others of how they can help too. In English we planned our new stories in the style of Pig the Pug. We created a story mountain to show our ideas before starting to write our own stories. We tried our hardest to make sure we have our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! In maths we looked at comparing amounts. We learnt the equality symbols and how we can use them instead of saying words. Blockzilla helped us remember which way round the symbols go. In Science we carried out an investigation. We were asked the question 'Is the tallest person always the oldest?' we made a prediction then we used our class to prove our prediction. We were right! In Geography this week we discussed what a capital city is. We learnt all about London by reading 'Katie in London' before creating pieces of art work to show different London landmarks. 

28th september 2018

This week in English year 1 continued looking at Pig the Pug after he turned up on Monday morning!! We created a story mountain to retell the story before we created our own naughty pet for our own story. In Maths we practiced finding 1 more and 1 less to a given number. We discussed the different language we can use when talking about more or less. In RE we heard the story of Adam and Eve. We thought about wrong choices that we may make ourselves, discussing how we show we're sorry if we do something we shouldn't.  In Topic we heard a story about different families, we then drew a picture of the members of our family and said why and how we love them.  In Science we learnt about the different stages of life as we grow old. We talked about what we can and cannot do at each stage and why.  On Friday we had a yummy time at the Macmillan bun sale, we enjoyed sitting with our year 5 reading buddies before meeting them back in the classroom for reading time. 

21st september 2018

This week in Year 1 we have had a fabulous week. In maths we practiced our counting both upwards and downwards. We also love challenging ourselves with our spicy challenges in our maths learning, getting to grips with reasoning and problem solving.  In English we created Wanted posters for Pig the pug. We definitely know he's in school as our caretaker Mr Voller emailed us CCTV pictures of Pig around school! We wrote questions that we could ask him if he turns up and designed traps for Miss Chappel to pt out during the night to catch him.  In Science we learned all about the senses, going on a senses hunt around the field - we found lots of things using our 5 different senses! In RE we heard the Story of Creation. We discussed what God created during the seven days, and created a piece of art work to show this. 

14th September 2018

This week year 1 have really got stuck in with their learning. In English we discovered some dog food which we found out had been left by Pig the Pug! We discussed the story and learnt how we can add adjectives to our work to give extra information. We prepared to make Wanted posters to find out where he is hiding. In Maths we sorted and counted objects in different ways, we learnt to work in pairs to discuss ideas. We recapped our numbers up to 10 thinking about what each number is worth.  In Science we discussed our bodies, talking about what is the same and what is different. We labelled the body parts and also looked at and labelled the different features of our face. In RE we talked about God's beautiful world. We prayed, thanking him for our favourite things in his world.

Our First Week

We are all excited to be in Year one with Miss Chappel, our new class teacher and Mrs Deyes who helps us every day with our work.

We learnt about our class Saint this week - St Patrick. Come see our display board outside our classroom and look at some of the interesting facts we found out about him, and see the beautiful shamrock collages we made. 

This week we also met our year five reading buddies, which we were all super excited about, year five too! Our buddies will listen to us read or read one of our favourite stories to us. We hope we can show year five what amazing readers year one are!