Welcome to our Year 3 page 2021–22!

In Year 3 we have 26 children - 10 girls and 16 boys! Mrs Bates and Miss Chappel are our teachers and Mr Voller helps us in the classroom.

Curriculum Evening Presentation 15th September


In English we are reading a story called Cloud Tea Monkeys. This story is about the life of a young girl and her mother on a tea plantation.

To find out more about tea the class had the opportunity to have a tea-tasting morning.

The children took the time to smell the aroma and taste different flavoured teas in china cups. This activity was an introduction to our very special story. We tried Blackcurrant and Blueberry, Lemon  and also Camomile teas.  Most of the class liked the Camomile Tea best. Afterwards we used a variety of synonyms in our writing to describe the smell and taste of the different teas.

Time for tea in Year 3 !

SCIENCE : Rocks and Soils

In Science we have been investigating the properties of Granite. We learnt that granite is an igneous rock and comes from the earth’s crust. We found out that granite has a high density because it sinks and it is durable because we couldn’t grind it down with sandpaper. Also, it does not allow water to pass through it - that is called impermeable. We have a lot of new vocabulary to start learning in our Science Rocks and Soils topic !

22 September 2021 : Act of Worship

 Today our collective worship was led by 4 children.

 Our reflection was on the phrase ‘ I can say how I feel.’

 We read the Gospel - John : 11:32-40)

 The story was about Jesus’ friend Lazarus who died.

The children talked together and thought about Jesus’ feelings. Then the class had a quiet reflection on their own feelings. We go forth to think about our own feelings this week and the feelings of others.



In P.E the children have started to learn the skills of Handball. They are having lots of fun learning ball control skills and working together in team games.

Handball Team Games

SCIENCE - Soil Investigations

In Science we have made our own mini-composters with pebbles, soil, chopped vegetables and wet newspaper. We have put in some small worms we found in the soil and covered the composters with black paper because the worms like dark conditions. We will be observing the composters carefully to see what happens over the next few weeks.

RE : Called to Change - Reconciliation

In RE we have had a very busy week. We heard the story of The Presentation of Jesus in the temple and talked about the feelings of Simeon and Anna. We also led a shared Collective Worship with Holy Name and SS Peter and Paul. Our theme was ‘Forgiveness’ and we thought about the forgiveness of God and The Sacrament of Reconciliation.

In English we have been reading the book ‘The Tier Thief’.

We then received a letter from the tear thief asking for our help. We created persuasive posters to encourage children around school to only cry 'valuable' tears for her.

For our extended piece of writing, We innovated a different character in the Tear Thief Story. We then wrote our own stories all about how we met the Happiness Collector. We worked hard on editing them and publishing them into our best piece of work.

Number Day!

On 4th February we celebrated NSPCC Number day. We began the day by performing an assembly to the school. As the theme was money, we designed a 3-course meal for Miss Chappel. We did our own 'shopping' for ingredients to try make the cheapest, yet most enticing menu. We also discussed the link between jobs and money in PSHE. We took a guess at the amount we think different jobs are paid. We were surprised at some of the answers!

ENGLISH - The Pied Piper of Hamelin

in English we have been reading The Pied Piper. The children have been creating an advertisement poster for the important job of a rat-catcher for Hamelin Town. They have thought carefully about all the important skills and equipment a rat-catcher must possess.

Climate Week and Tree Day !

On Monday it was our ‘Wear Green’ day to celebrate the International Day of Forests. We read about British Forests, produced posters explaining why trees are so important and enjoyed some quiet time ‘tree-hugging’ in the afternoon.

We found tree-hugging very relaxing !