Welcome to Year 6!

2021 - 2022

In Year 6, we have 24 amazing children who are all unique. We love learning and working hard but best of all, we love having a great laugh together.

Our teacher is Miss Dowd and our teaching assistant is Mrs Kealey.

Long Term Plan

Spring Term 2

Residential - Herd Farm

We had a fantastic visit to Herd Farm for three days. We enjoyed the glorious weather and were thrill seekers in the challenging activities. During the three days, we packed a lots of activities which most of us all loved. Some of the activities were: high ropes, crate stack, assault course, archery, night walk and zip wire.
Here are some of the pictures from it.

Spring Term 1


Our topic this half term is about ‘Jesus, The Bread of Life’. We began the topic by exploring what the Bread of Life is, we did this by learning about Pope Benedict’s explanation about this, he said:

“So when Jesus called himself the bread of life, it means that Jesus himself is the nourishment we need for both our physical bodies but also for our spirit, soul, will - for our inner self, because the soul needs food. Jesus nourishes us so that we can truly become mature people and live good lives.”

Pope Benedict XVI

We looked at the importance of the Jesus being the Bread of Life whilst exploring the parts of the Mass. We began by looking at the Eucharist, we compared it to the Bible stories: The Last Supper and The Passover. We analysed the two Bible stories and the Eucharist for similarities and differences; we found that Jesus is giving up his life and he is the sacrifice for us, the perfect sacrifice.

Here is some of our art work to show the Bread of Life.


During this half term, we have covered the topics: decimals and percentages. This involved finding the equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. We really needed to use our known facts to help us in working these out.


Our focus was writing formal letters of complaint. We did lots of work on features (structure and language) of a complaint letter, we looked at: phrases, conjunctions and sentence openers.
Once we were ready to write our own, we thought about what we wanted to complain about and we agreed on writing a letter to Mr Beardsley about the lack of up-to-date technology we have in school.

Here are some example:

Cora’s Letter Eva’s Letter Esther’s Letter


This half term, our topic has been Living things and their Habitats. We focused on: food chains and webs; classification; micro-organisms; and the work of Carl Linnaeus.
We enjoyed learning about micro-organisms - we even grew some too! We worked in groups to take part in a two-week long experiment to watch fungus grow on bread. We analysed the bread and filled a table each day to observe the mould growing. Some of us had lots of mould growth while other didn’t.

We also created some games to learn about micro-organisms.


In PE, our topic has been gymnastics. We have worked with partners to work on our stability and flexibility through different movements individually and with a partner. Here are some pictures.

Autumn Term 2


This half term, our topic is called ‘Justice’. We began the topic by discussing what Justice was this:

“Justice helps us figure out what is fair, what is right and what is wrong. When justice is working, everyone feels like they are being treated fairly. Rules and laws help people figure out what is 'just' or fair.”

During the topic, we learnt about important people who were persecuted for speaking out against injustice, such as: Martin Luther King Jr. and Oscar Romero. We wrote our own "I have a dream” speeches about justice in the world.

We know that God has sent us to fight for justice in the world. We looked at various people and organisation which fight for justice in the world.


During Maths this half term, we learnt about fractions. We recapped: equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, improper and mixed number fractions. We learnt about adding and subtracting fractions when the fractions are mixed numbers and/or improper fractions.

In November, we enjoyed taking part in the Barvember challenges from White Rose Maths. We have realised how important and useful bar modelling is!


We began learning about and reading the inspirational life of Anne Frank. After we read Anne Frank by Josephine Poole which gave use an insight into her life, we then read parts of her actual diary. We were amazed! We wrote, planned and drafted diaries from Anne’s perspective.

During the last week of term, we read “The Night Before Christmas” poem and wrote our own version. Have a look at some of them below.

Mia’s poem Abigail’s poem Ella’s poem Joseph’s poem Matthieu’s poem

Tallulah’s poem Emily’s poem Daniel’s poem Zahra’s poem Vuyo’s poem


We continued our topic of Evolution and Inheritance; we explored Charles Darwin’s theory all species develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. We learnt about his discovery of adapted Finch birds in the Galapagos islands. We investigated this by doing our own experiment; we used three different tools (pegs, chopsticks and tweezers) to mimic the bird’s beaks. We gave ourselves 1 minute to pick up as many seeds to see which ‘bird’ had adapted to its environment the best. We did the three times to find the average (mean) to see which tool (bird) was best adapted. Here are some pictures of our experiment.


Our topic is World War Two, we began by exploring what happened at the end of World War One and the repercussions Germany had for starting the war. We thought about how the German citizen’s felt about the Treat of Versailles and the hyperinflation. We recognised that Germany was in need of a strong leader to make Germany great again.


For our Christmas craft, we analysed, designed and made our very own Christmas tree bauble. We used our skills of sewing to: sew the felt together; the snowman’s arms/hats and sew the buttons on. We really enjoyed making these and we were so proud of our baubles!

Autumn Term 1

We’ve had a great first half term settling in back to school. We can’t wait for the fun, challenges and learning that this year will bring.


Our topic in R.E. is called ‘Called to Serve’. We started by understanding what is means to serve God and others.
In RE lessons, we learnt about what happens in the Sacrament of Confirmation and how it will help us to continue to journey of faith.

In this topic, we learnt about what is means to serve. We had the opportunity to reflect on our duty to serve as disciples. We identified our gifts and talents that can be used to to serve God and others.

We discovered people who responded to God’s call to serve God and others. Mama Maggie was an extraordinary person; she loved the children of the Cairo slums in Egypt.

We create some beautiful piece of art work which depict the Holy Spirit.

Our Class Saint Feast Day

Our Class Saint is Saint Therese of Lisieux. We celebrated her feast day on the 1st October. During the day, we learnt about her life and her ‘little ways’. We took part in many activities in the day; we wrote a biography about her life and we created paper flowers which include our little ways we will live by.


For the first few weeks, we recapped our Place Value understanding and then moved on to reading, writing, saying and rounding numbers to 10 million. In our Four Operations topic, we added and subtracted numbers using column method correctly and continued to work on our accuracy in column multiplication. Additionally, we were taught how to use Long Division to divide 3 and 4 digit by a 2 digit number. We showed great enthusiasm and perseverance whilst learning this method. Furthermore, we have continued to develop our speed in our Times Table recall and our daily arithmetic.

Below show the long division method. The image shows 342 ÷ 12, it is really important to write out the tables to help with the division.


Evolution and Inheritance has been our first topic in Science. Firstly, we began with with explored inheritance. For this, we used the Mr Men and Little Miss characters to identify the inherited physical characteristics. We created offspring from those characters. We also looked at adaptation in plants and animals and recognised their specific adaptations to suit their environment.

Black History

During October, we focused on black men and women who served in the World Wars. We found that many of these service men and women were treated unfairly before and during the war due to to colour of their skin - many weren’t allowed to have the jobs that white men had. After the wars, many Black and Asian service men and women decided to stay in the UK but many were faced with anti-black demonstrations and riots over the UK. Additionally, we looked at some inspirational service men and women in the war: Walter Tull, Robbie Clark, George Roberts, Lilian Bader, Adelaide Hall and Princess Ademola.

We created leaflets about Black service men and women in the war