Welcome to the year 4 page 2019-20!

Class Teacher: Miss Chappel

Class Teaching Assistant: Mr Voller


autumn 1

13th September 2019

n RE this week we began our topic of 'The Bible'. We started by learning how to find references within the bible, thinking about what they mean and why they are in The Bible. We then, for our year four value of 'Courtesy', discussed why we need to be courteous to others and what it says about it in The Bible. We wrote prayers and poems, and designed posters for it. Here is one of the prayers we wrote:

In English we heard some exciting news. An iron arm has been found in a field in Leeds. We put on our detective hats and began asking and answering investigative question about the case. We ensured we used modal verbs such as 'could' or 'might' as we were given limited information.
In Maths, we have been learning Roman numerals to 100. We created mnemonics and rhymes to help us remembering the value of each roman numeral. We the applied our knowledge to addition problems. We then moved on to rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. 

In Geography, we started our topic, “Why is Leeds a cool place to live?”. This week, we used our map reading skills to carry out a locational study on Leeds.

6th September 2019

Welcome back year 4! We have had a lovely first week this week. We started the week thinking about how we are leaders in the classroom and around school. We decided our own class rules and created a poster to display in our classroom to remind us of them throughout the year. 

We then planned and wrote a recount of some of our favourite parts of our summer holidays. We all made some fantastic memories to share with one another. 

In RE we learnt about our new class saint 'St Brigid'. We learnt the story of St Brigid and thought why she is important to us today. We wrote blessings for St Josephs in the style of St Brigid and then created our own crosses to protect us.

On Friday afternoon we worked together to create a class tree as part of our 'Leader in Me' programme.