Welcome to Year 5 2018-19!

Year 5

Year 5 is made up of 30 fantastic children, who work hard and have fun. We are a creative bunch and love writing stories, finding solutions to tricky problems in Maths and enjoy learning many other skills like learning musical instruments. We enjoy praying together and joining together to share what we know about following in the footsteps of Jesus. We know how to be good friends and now we are in Year 5 we are ready to take on more responsibilities around school and help show the younger children how to make the best out of their time at St Joseph's. 

Our teacher is Miss Earley and our teaching assistant is Miss Bull.


Year 5 African Voices Day

Year 5 had a visit from Wisdom. We learnt all about different countries in Africa and the culture there. We talked about where money from a chocolate bar goes to and about different food and music in Nigeria. It was a very interesting, exciting day.

 Three Little Pigs Drama

 Year 5 tested out our acting skills creating role plays and freeze frames around the story. We also thought about what the story would look like from the Wolf’s perspective.


St Francis Saint Day 

Year 5 celebrated our Saint day. We learnt about St Francis and his life, thinking about how he encourages us to be good stewards of the Earth. We dressed up as animals and decorated animal biscuits.

Naughty Christmas Elf

Ali-A, Year 5’s Naughty Christmas Elf, has caused some mischief! He made his entrance by dangling off our Christmas tree (and got the decorations everywhere) and has also moved things around the classroom. Last week he even went missing! We were all very worried so created some ‘Missing’ posters to see if anyone had seen him. Luckily, he turned up today with some treats to apologise for worrying us all so much.

Road Safety

Year 5 thought about how to be safe on the roads, including outside school. We thought about the rules that we already know about keeping safe next to and when crossing roads. We also learnt about never crossing the road on a corner, always using a crossing point if we can and never crossing the road in front of a parked bus when we get off it. Year 5 thought of different scenarios where they could show someone being safe or dangerous on the road and created some role plays. We were able to think about how safety was shown and, if not, how we could be safer.